Thursday, February 25, 2010

A cemetery like I've never seen

There is a very large Catholic cemetery that we pass every time we head into Tucson. Actually there are two cemeteries. One is your standard cemetery--somber and quiet, with rows of beautiful grave markers. The other one, Holy Hope Cemetery of the Diocese of Tucson is like no other cemetery I've seen because it seems so much a part of the lives of families in Tucson.

This place is huge and most of time, the graves have bright, colorful plastic flowers on them. Near Christmas, I noticed a funeral in progress with everyone in black, the long hearse and rows of cars. This somber scene contrasted with the bright and sparkling Christmas decorations on some of the graves.

Then I saw what looked like a demonstration in another part of the cemetery with people marching and carrying signs I couldn't read. A demonstration in a cemetery? I learned that this was a “March for Life” demonstration because it was the 36th anniversary of Roe v Wade. The cemetery was included in the march.

Then they decorated for Valentine's Day.

I wish I knew more about the role this cemetery plays in the lives of Catholic Tucsonites, but it seems so much an active part of the holidays and maybe daily life.

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