Thursday, March 4, 2010

Favorite signs

We have found some wonderful signs. One of my favorites is from a church nearby. I think the church is the Resurrection Church or something like that.

Duh. (Rain comes hard and fast here. You see these road signs frequently in Tucson.)

Florence, Arizona is the home the Arizona State Prison and eight other "correctional operations." The prison is surrounded by miles and miles of desert. You could choose to walk through cactus and rattlesnakes or hitchhike--hence the sign.

Florence is one of the oldest towns in Arizona, founded in 1866. The historic part of town is an old, wild Western town. The new part of town is the new, wild West.

A chilling reminder of the wild, new West.

I don't know why, but whenever you see a big bunch of palm trees like this, it is almost always a trailer park. It is sort of the sign for trailer parks. I think it gives them a lovely Dr. Seuss quality.

This truck was in a parking place right near our car. You could just feel people edging away.

A sign for a Tucson motel that doesn't need any explanation.

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