Saturday, March 13, 2010

Douglas, the cactus

A few years ago my husband bought a tiny cactus at a garage sale for 25 cents. I named it Douglas. While thinking about Arizona, I kept Douglas on my bedside table to bring a bit of cactus energy to the enterprise.

When the leaving date approached, I began to wonder, "What to do about Douglas?" I tried to find him a home, but got no takers, so decided that Douglas needed to come with us to Arizona.

He made the trip like a trooper and helped to provide some holiday cheer in a new land.

Then we decided to start introducing Douglas to his homeland. Here's Bob introducing him to his first cactus. Not too close, just an introduction.

Then a bit closer.

Then a variety of cactus.

But lately I've noticed that I haven't seen any cactus that look like Douglas. A friend over for dinner last night mentioned the same thing. Could it be that Douglas isn't a Sonoran Desert cactus and wouldn't thrive if I planted him here? Maybe he isn't a cactus at all?

Douglas is a succulent called a Haworthia, originating from South Africa. Oh. I guess it is now Douglas, the "cactus."

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